Friday, July 28, 2006

Motherhood as a Risk Factor

This just in:

“The single highest known situational risk factor for depression is being a homemaker caring for small children, a condition that increases a woman’s vulnerability to depression by two and one-half times.”

And there’s more:

“That’s not too surprising, since caring for children is a high-stakes job with many competing and conflicting demands, little predictability, no breaks, no pay, isolation from adult company, and no genuine societal appreciation of its importance.”

That’s all I’m saying.

[Quotes from When Words Are Not Enough; The Women’s Prescription for Depression and Anxiety, by Valerie Davis Raskin, MD]


Anonymous said...

You are speaking my language sista

Anonymous said...

(anonymous #2 said...)

Inspiring blog. But then again, I love the author. she is an amazing human being.

Anonymous said...

Sent the quote to a friend of mine that's having a tough time with her two kids...hopefully she'll pick up the book ~Branon